-- @(#) KS_top_msg.vhd 1.7@(#) -- ================================================================== -- SCCS Path and File Name: /projects/ks/.sccs/s.KS_top_msg.vhd -- File Name: KS_top_msg.vhd -- SCCS File Release: 1 at Version: 7 -- Last Modified: 04/04/02 at 16:17:45 -- SCCS-get Executed on 09/17/02 at 15:38:11 to Get this File -- -- ****************************************************************** -- * JTA Research Inc * -- * Copyright (c) JTA Research Inc * -- ****************************************************************** -- -- Description: This module is connected to the I/O area and generates -- debug messages and bus exceptions for the test bench. -- -- Level: Block -- -- Class: Unknown -- -- Revision History: -- Date By Change -- ----------- -------- ---------------------------------------- -- Jan 21 2002 mcynar initial -- Jan 21 2002 mcynar Added a header. Renamed to KS_top_msg -- Jan 21 2002 mcynar Added messages -- Jan 21 2002 mcynar Indentation and formatting -- Jan 23 2002 mcynar Removed asserts -- Apr 04 2002 mcynar Removed reference to leonlib -- Nov 30 2004 bpeterson Fixed dint32 conversion from std_logic_vector to integer -- EOL -- ================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: testmod -- File: testmod.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - ESA/ESTEC -- Description: This module is connected to the I/O area and generates -- debug messages and bus exceptions for the test bench. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Version control: -- 17-12-1998: : First implemetation -- 27-08-1999: : Moved trace function from iu -- 26-09-1999: : Release 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use IEEE.Std_Logic_unsigned.all; use STD.TEXTIO.all; --library leonlib; --use leonlib.debug.all; entity KS_top_msg is port ( error : in std_logic; iosn : in std_logic; oen : in std_logic; read : in std_logic; writen : in std_logic; brdyn : out std_logic; bexcn : out std_logic; address : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ioport : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end; architecture KS_top_msg_arch of KS_top_msg is signal ioporti : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); function chr(c: integer) return character is variable d : character; begin case c is when 32 => d:= ' '; when 33 => d:= '!'; when 34 => d:= '"'; when 35 => d:= '#'; when 36 => d:= '$'; when 37 => d:= '%'; when 38 => d:= '&'; when 39 => d:= '''; when 40 => d:= '('; when 41 => d:= ')'; when 42 => d:= '*'; when 43 => d:= '+'; when 44 => d:= ','; when 45 => d:= '-'; when 46 => d:= '.'; when 47 => d:= '/'; when 48 => d:= '0'; when 49 => d:= '1'; when 50 => d:= '2'; when 51 => d:= '3'; when 52 => d:= '4'; when 53 => d:= '5'; when 54 => d:= '6'; when 55 => d:= '7'; when 56 => d:= '8'; when 57 => d:= '9'; when 58 => d:= ':'; when 59 => d:= ';'; when 60 => d:= '<'; when 61 => d:= '='; when 62 => d:= '>'; when 63 => d:= '?'; when 64 => d:= '@'; when 65 => d:= 'A'; when 66 => d:= 'B'; when 67 => d:= 'C'; when 68 => d:= 'D'; when 69 => d:= 'E'; when 70 => d:= 'F'; when 71 => d:= 'G'; when 72 => d:= 'H'; when 73 => d:= 'I'; when 74 => d:= 'J'; when 75 => d:= 'K'; when 76 => d:= 'L'; when 77 => d:= 'M'; when 78 => d:= 'N'; when 79 => d:= 'O'; when 80 => d:= 'P'; when 81 => d:= 'Q'; when 82 => d:= 'R'; when 83 => d:= 'S'; when 84 => d:= 'T'; when 85 => d:= 'U'; when 86 => d:= 'V'; when 87 => d:= 'W'; when 88 => d:= 'X'; when 89 => d:= 'Y'; when 90 => d:= 'Z'; when 91 => d:= '['; when 92 => d:= '\'; when 93 => d:= ']'; when 94 => d:= '^'; when 95 => d:= '_'; when 96 => d:= '`'; when 97 => d:= 'a'; when 98 => d:= 'b'; when 99 => d:= 'c'; when 100 => d:= 'd'; when 101 => d:= 'e'; when 102 => d:= 'f'; when 103 => d:= 'g'; when 104 => d:= 'h'; when 105 => d:= 'i'; when 106 => d:= 'j'; when 107 => d:= 'k'; when 108 => d:= 'l'; when 109 => d:= 'm'; when 110 => d:= 'n'; when 111 => d:= 'o'; when 112 => d:= 'p'; when 113 => d:= 'q'; when 114 => d:= 'r'; when 115 => d:= 's'; when 116 => d:= 't'; when 117 => d:= 'u'; when 118 => d:= 'v'; when 119 => d:= 'w'; when 120 => d:= 'x'; when 121 => d:= 'y'; when 122 => d:= 'z'; when 123 => d:= '{'; when 124 => d:= '|'; when 125 => d:= '}'; when 126 => d:= '~'; when 127 => d:= ' '; when others => d := 's'; end case; return d; end chr; -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string. function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is variable hexlen: integer; variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0'); variable hex : string(1 to 16); variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4; if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then hexlen := hexlen + 1; end if; longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv; for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4)); case fourbit is when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0'; when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1'; when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2'; when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3'; when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4'; when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5'; when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6'; when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7'; when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8'; when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9'; when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A'; when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B'; when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C'; when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D'; when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E'; when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F'; when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z'; when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u'; when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x'; when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?'; end case; end loop; return hex(1 to hexlen); end hstr; begin init: process variable L:line; begin wait for 1 ns; write(L, string'("------------------------------------------------")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("Simulation starting")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'(" ")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); wait until false; end process; rep: process variable L, L_txt, L_int : line; file txt_file : text is out "TXT.OUTPUT"; file int_file : text is out "INT.OUTPUT"; variable aint : natural; variable dint8 : natural; variable dint32 : integer; -- variable dint32 : bit_vector(31 downto 0); begin data <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" after 5 ns; wait until ((iosn or (writen and oen)) = '0'); wait for 1 ns; aint := conv_integer(address); dint8 := conv_integer(data(31 downto 24)); if aint < 64 then if (aint=0) then if(dint8=10) then writeline(OUTPUT,L); else write(L, chr(dint8)); end if; elsif (aint=4) then if(dint8=10) then writeline(txt_file,L_txt); else write(L_txt, chr(dint8)); end if; elsif (aint=8) then dint32:=to_integer(unsigned(data(31 downto 0))); -- dint32:= to_bitvector(data(31 downto 0)); write(L_int, dint32); writeline(int_file,L_int); elsif (aint=12) then writeline(txt_file,L_txt); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("------------------------------------------------")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("Simulation ending...")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'(" ")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("Received QUIT command!")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("Causing an ASSERT/FAILURE on purpose")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'("to make the simulator stop the simulation")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); write(L, string'(" ")); writeline(OUTPUT,L); assert false report "Received QUIT command" severity failure ; end if; end if; wait until (iosn = '1'); end process; end;