// Created by ihdl `timescale 1ns/10ps `celldefine module FAX1 (A, B, C, YC, YS); input A ; input B ; input C ; output YC ; output YS ; and (I0_out, A, B); and (I1_out, B, C); and (I3_out, C, A); or (YC, I0_out, I1_out, I3_out); xor (I5_out, A, B); xor (YS, I5_out, C); specify // delay parameters specparam tpllh$A$YS = 0.25:0.26:0.27, tplhl$A$YS = 0.23:0.23:0.23, tpllh$A$YC = 0.14:0.14:0.14, tphhl$A$YC = 0.17:0.17:0.17, tpllh$B$YS = 0.26:0.27:0.27, tplhl$B$YS = 0.24:0.24:0.24, tpllh$B$YC = 0.13:0.15:0.16, tphhl$B$YC = 0.17:0.18:0.18, tpllh$C$YS = 0.25:0.25:0.26, tplhl$C$YS = 0.24:0.24:0.24, tpllh$C$YC = 0.14:0.14:0.14, tphhl$C$YC = 0.16:0.16:0.17; // path delays (A *> YC) = (tpllh$A$YC, tphhl$A$YC); (A *> YS) = (tpllh$A$YS, tplhl$A$YS); (B *> YC) = (tpllh$B$YC, tphhl$B$YC); (B *> YS) = (tpllh$B$YS, tplhl$B$YS); (C *> YC) = (tpllh$C$YC, tphhl$C$YC); (C *> YS) = (tpllh$C$YS, tplhl$C$YS); endspecify endmodule `endcelldefine