// Created by ihdl `timescale 1ns/10ps `celldefine module AOI22X1 (A, B, C, D, Y); input A ; input B ; input C ; input D ; output Y ; and (I0_out, A, B); and (I1_out, C, D); or (I2_out, I0_out, I1_out); not (Y, I2_out); specify // delay parameters specparam tplhl$C$Y = 0.042:0.043:0.045, tphlh$C$Y = 0.054:0.064:0.073, tplhl$D$Y = 0.041:0.043:0.044, tphlh$D$Y = 0.047:0.055:0.064, tplhl$A$Y = 0.055:0.06:0.064, tphlh$A$Y = 0.068:0.077:0.086, tplhl$B$Y = 0.056:0.06:0.065, tphlh$B$Y = 0.06:0.069:0.079; // path delays (A *> Y) = (tphlh$A$Y, tplhl$A$Y); (B *> Y) = (tphlh$B$Y, tplhl$B$Y); (C *> Y) = (tphlh$C$Y, tplhl$C$Y); (D *> Y) = (tphlh$D$Y, tplhl$D$Y); endspecify endmodule `endcelldefine